How to Sign Up For Obamacare in Michigan

How to Sign Up For Obamacare in Michigan

How to sign up for Obamacare in Michigan ?The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” expanded health insurance coverage to millions of Americans through the Health Insurance Marketplace or exchange. Individuals may purchase a health insurance plan through the Marketplace during the annual Open Enrollment Period, which runs from November 1 through December 15 each year. All ACA-compliant plans sold through the Marketplace must cover several essential health benefits, such as emergency services, maternity care, and prescription drugs.

How much does Obamacare cost the US government?

In addition to the Marketplace, individuals may also choose to purchase a private health insurance policy outside of the market place. However, the costs of a private health insurance policy can be substantially higher than an ACA-compliant plan. eHealth makes it easy to shop, compare and enroll in an affordable, quality ACA-compliant health insurance plan by providing a single source for all of your healthcare needs.

Michigan residents also have access to affordable healthcare through the Healthy Michigan Plan (expanded Medicaid) and Medicare, which are available to all qualifying individuals. Approximately 2 million Michigan residents are currently enrolled in Medicare as of 2020 and more than 1 million receive coverage through the Healthy Michigan Plan.

The cost of a health insurance premium, deductible and out-of-pocket maximum depends on your income, family size, and the type of plan you select. Our agents are available to help you determine your eligibility and select the best plan for your unique circumstances.

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