5 Tips For Effective Childcare Advertising
Running a family daycare can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires careful financial planning. Effective childcare advertising helps you share your core services with the community, while establishing your business as an industry leader. Whether you’re new to the business and looking to fill open spots, or are an established provider with a wait list, these tips can help.
Create flyers and posters to display in local grocery stores, coffee shops and other community centers. Make sure they include your name, phone number and the term “daycare” or “child care.” Use colorful, child-friendly designs to attract the attention of parents in your area. Place them on bulletin boards as well.
The Power of Targeted Advertising: Reaching Parents in Need of Quality Childcare Services
Consider listing your business in local directories such as Yelp and Google Maps. Include a description of your daycare, along with pictures. Include your hours of operation, any special needs you can accommodate, and the qualifications of your staff.
Advertise on the radio and TV to spread the word about your new daycare. Depending on the size of your service area and the number of competing schools, this may be cost-effective for your budget.
Try Google Ads to generate leads with a targeted digital campaign. Use conversion tracking to learn if your ads effectively reach your target parents. Choose Maximize Conversions to maximize the value of your ad budget, or select Target CPA and Target ROAS for more advanced settings. The more you use this powerful tool, the more it learns about your audience and how to reach them effectively.