Emergency IT Support – Borough of NorthamptonEmergency IT Support – Borough of Northampton

Emergency IT support Northampton

Emergency IT support Northampton is to provide primary Advance Life Support emergency medical care in the Borough of Northampton on a first-out basis 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. EMS is provided by volunteer firefighters, supplemented by career EMS employees. The department is responsible for the planning, coordinating and operation of all Emergency Management activities in the Borough of Northampton. This includes establishing and maintaining liaison with State and Federal authorities as well as the authorities of nearby political subdivisions to ensure the most effective operation of the Borough’s local emergency management plans. The department is also responsible for establishing and maintaining an emergency operations center. The department is also responsible for providing information regarding local disasters to State and Federal agencies and the public at large.

Urgent Assistance: Emergency IT Support in Northampton

The department is also responsible for identifying and preparing for all locally available manpower, materials, supplies, equipment, and facilities required to provide disaster emergency readiness, response, and recovery. The Coordinator shall, every month, report to the Borough Council concerning the status of the agency’s plans, programs, and activities. The Coordinator shall be authorized to declare local disaster emergencies subject to ratification by the Borough Council within 72 hours. The Coordinator shall, on a timely basis, recommend to the Borough Council all recommendations and proposals for plans, acquisition of materials, supplies and equipment for the agency. The Coordinator shall, with the approval of the Borough Council, establish and maintain a budget for the agency.